Multi-party Record Linkage with Blocking

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the CLI tools for multiparty record linkage with blocking techniques.

import io
import os
import math
import time
from IPython import display
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd

import anonlink
import clkhash
from clkhash import clk
from blocklib import assess_blocks_2party

from anonlinkclient.utils import combine_clks_blocks, deserialize_bitarray, deserialize_filters


Suppose we are interested to find records that appear at least twice in 3 parties

Generate CLKs and Candidate Blocks

First we have a look at dataset

corruption_rate = 20
file_template = 'data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_' + str(corruption_rate) + '_myp_{}_nump_10.csv'
df1 = pd.read_csv(file_template.format(0))
recid givenname surname suburb postcode
0 1503359 pauline camkbell lilescille 28091
1 1972058 deborah galyen ennike 286z3
2 889525 charle5 mitrhell roaring river 28669
3 4371845 petehr werts swannanoa 28478
4 1187991 katpy silbiger duyham 27705

A linkage schema instructs clkhash how to treat each column for generating CLKs. A detailed description of the linkage schema can be found in the api docs. We will ignore the column ‘recid’ for CLK generation.

with open("novt_schema.json") as f:

  "version": 3,
  "clkConfig": {
    "l": 1024,
    "kdf": {
      "type": "HKDF",
      "hash": "SHA256",
      "salt": "SCbL2zHNnmsckfzchsNkZY9XoHk96P/G5nUBrM7ybymlEFsMV6PAeDZCNp3rfNUPCtLDMOGQHG4pCQpfhiHCyA==",
      "info": "c2NoZW1hX2V4YW1wbGU=",
      "keySize": 64
  "features": [
      "identifier": "recid",
      "ignored": true
      "identifier": "givenname",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "maxLength": 30,
        "case": "lower"
      "hashing": {
        "comparison": {"type":  "ngram", "n":  2},
        "strategy": {"bitsPerFeature":  100},
        "hash": {"type": "blakeHash"},
        "missingValue": {
          "sentinel": ".",
          "replaceWith": ""
      "identifier": "surname",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "maxLength": 30,
        "case": "lower"
      "hashing": {
        "comparison": {"type":  "ngram", "n":  2},
        "strategy": {"bitsPerFeature":  100},
        "hash": {"type": "blakeHash"},
        "missingValue": {
          "sentinel": ".",
          "replaceWith": ""
      "identifier": "suburb",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "maxLength": 30,
        "case": "lower"
      "hashing": {
        "comparison": {"type":  "ngram", "n":  2},
        "strategy": {"bitsPerFeature":  100},
        "hash": {"type": "blakeHash"},
        "missingValue": {
          "sentinel": ".",
          "replaceWith": ""
      "identifier": "postcode",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "maxLength": 30,
        "case": "lower"
      "hashing": {
        "comparison": {"type":  "ngram", "n":  2},
        "strategy": {"bitsPerFeature":  100},
        "hash": {"type": "blakeHash"},
        "missingValue": {
          "sentinel": ".",
          "replaceWith": ""

Validate the schema

The command line tool can check that the linkage schema is valid:

!anonlink validate-schema "novt_schema.json"
schema is valid

Hash data

We can now hash our Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data from the CSV file using our defined linkage schema. We must provide a secret key to this command - this key has to be used by both parties hashing data. For this toy example we will use the secret ‘secret’, for real data, make sure that the secret contains enough entropy, as knowledge of this secret is sufficient to reconstruct the PII information from a CLK!

secret = 'secret'
!anonlink hash 'data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_20_myp_0_nump_10.csv' secret 'novt_schema.json' 'novt_clk_0.json'
CLK data written to novt_clk_0.json

Let’s hash data for party B and C:

!anonlink hash 'data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_20_myp_1_nump_10.csv' secret 'novt_schema.json' 'novt_clk_1.json'
CLK data written to novt_clk_1.json
!anonlink hash 'data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_20_myp_2_nump_10.csv' secret 'novt_schema.json' 'novt_clk_2.json'
CLK data written to novt_clk_2.json

anonlink provides a command describe to inspect the hashing results i.e. the Cryptographic Longterm Key (CLK). Normally we will expect a relative symmetric shape popcount with a moderate mean comparing to bloom filter length.

!anonlink describe 'novt_clk_0.json'
    |                                                        popcounts                                                         |

 298|                                     o
 282|                                   o ooooo
 267|                                   o ooooo
 251|                                   ooooooo
 235|                                 ooooooooo o
 220|                                 ooooooooo o
 204|                                 ooooooooo o
 188|                               o ooooooooo oo
 173|                               ooooooooooo oo o
 157|                               ooooooooooo oooo
 141|                              oooooooooooo ooooo
 126|                              oooooooooooo ooooo
 110|                             ooooooooooooo ooooo
  94|                            oooooooooooooo ooooo
  79|                           ooooooooooooooo ooooooo
  63|                          oooooooooooooooo ooooooo
  47|                        oooooooooooooooooo ooooooo o
  32|                     o ooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooo
  16|                  oooo ooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo
   1| o   o  o oooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo  o
     2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
     9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5
     4 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1
       . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . .
       9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

|       Summary        |
|  observations: 5000  |
|min value: 294.000000 |
|  mean : 328.055000   |
|max value: 351.000000 |

In this case, the popcount mean is not very large compared to bloom filter length (1024). If the popcount mean is large, you can reduce it by modifying the schema. For more details, please have a look at this tutorial.

Block dataset

Blocking is a technique that makes record linkage scalable. It is achieved by partitioning datasets into groups, called blocks and only comparing records in corresponding blocks. This can reduce the number of comparisons that need to be conducted to find which pairs of records should be linked.

Similar to the hashing above, the blocking is configured with a schema. For this linkage we chose ‘lambda-fold’ as blocking technique. This blocking method is proposed in paper An LSH-Based Blocking Approach with a Homomorphic Matching Technique for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage. We also provide a detailed explanation of how this blocking method works in this tutorial.

with open("blocking_schema.json") as f:

    "type": "lambda-fold",
    "version": 1,
    "config": {
        "blocking-features": [6],
        "Lambda": 3,
        "bf-len": 64,
        "num-hash-funcs": 3,
        "K": 5,
        "input-clks": true,
        "random_state": 0

Party A Blocks its Data

!anonlink block 'novt_clk_0.json' 'blocking_schema.json' 'novt_blocks_0.json'
Statistics for the generated blocks:
        Number of Blocks:   96
        Minimum Block Size: 1
        Maximum Block Size: 1125
        Average Block Size: 156.25
        Median Block Size:  92
        Standard Deviation of Block Size:  188.02480239529433

Party B Blocks its Data

!anonlink block 'novt_clk_1.json' 'blocking_schema.json' 'novt_blocks_1.json'
Statistics for the generated blocks:
        Number of Blocks:   96
        Minimum Block Size: 1
        Maximum Block Size: 1125
        Average Block Size: 156.25
        Median Block Size:  85
        Standard Deviation of Block Size:  189.7736601988357

Party C Blocks its Data

!anonlink block 'novt_clk_2.json' 'blocking_schema.json' 'novt_blocks_2.json'
Statistics for the generated blocks:
        Number of Blocks:   96
        Minimum Block Size: 1
        Maximum Block Size: 1133
        Average Block Size: 156.25
        Median Block Size:  98
        Standard Deviation of Block Size:  188.99345574857736

Get Ground Truth

truth = []

for party in [0, 1, 2]:
    df = pd.read_csv('data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_20_myp_{}_nump_10.csv'.format(party))
    truth.append(pd.DataFrame({'id{}'.format(party): df.index, 'recid': df['recid']}))

dfj = truth[0].merge(truth[1], on='recid', how='outer')
for df in truth[2:]:
    dfj = dfj.merge(df, on='recid', how='outer')

dfj = dfj.drop(columns=['recid'])
true_matches = set()
for row in dfj.itertuples(index=False):
    cand = [(i, int(x)) for i, x in enumerate(row) if not math.isnan(x)]
    if len(cand) > 1:

print(f'we have {len(true_matches)} true matches')
e = iter(true_matches)
for i in range(10):
we have 1649 true matches
((0, 159), (1, 169), (2, 169))
((1, 2309), (2, 2137))
((0, 366), (1, 589), (2, 362))
((0, 3719), (1, 3701), (2, 1560))
((0, 182), (1, 758), (2, 760))
((0, 3886), (1, 3865), (2, 311))
((0, 2878), (2, 280))
((0, 498), (1, 2269), (2, 492))
((0, 3630), (2, 282))
((1, 692), (2, 374))

Assess Linkage Quality

We can assess the linkage quality by precision and recall.

  • Precision is measured by the proportion of found record groups classified as true matches.
  • Recall is measured by the proportion of true matching groups that are classified as found groups
threshold = 0.87

# matching with blocking
found_groups = solve(clk_groups, rec_to_blocks, threshold)
print("Example found groups: ")
for i in range(10):
precision, recall = evaluate(found_groups, true_matches)
print('\n\nWith blocking: ')
print(f'precision: {precision}, recall: {recall}')

# matching without blocking
found_groups = naive_solve(clk_groups, threshold)
precision, recall = evaluate(found_groups, true_matches)
print('Without blocking: ')
print(f'precision: {precision}, recall: {recall}')
Example found groups:
((0, 4963), (1, 4957), (2, 468))
((0, 3632), (1, 3611), (2, 368))
((0, 4502), (2, 1906), (1, 289))
((0, 4959), (1, 4949), (2, 49))
((0, 316), (2, 1251))
((0, 286), (1, 3418))
((0, 4228), (2, 4225))
((0, 1866), (1, 1842), (2, 1871))
((0, 4958), (2, 3852), (1, 233))
((0, 3269), (1, 3237), (2, 3964))

With blocking:
precision: 0.7802981205443941, recall: 0.730139478471801
Without blocking:
precision: 0.7808661926308985, recall: 0.7325651910248635

Assess Blocking

Reduction Ratio

Reduction ratio measures the proportion of number of comparisons reduced by using blocking technique. If we have two data providers each has N number of records, then

\text{reduction ratio}= 1 - \frac{\text{number of comparisons after blocking}}{N^3}

Set Completeness

Set completeness (aka pair completeness in two-party senario) measure how many true matches are maintained after blocking. It is evalauted as

\text{set completeness}= \frac{\text{number of true matches after blocking}}{\text{number of all true matches}}

block_a = json.load(open('novt_blocks_0.json'))['blocks']
block_b = json.load(open('novt_blocks_1.json'))['blocks']
block_c = json.load(open('novt_blocks_2.json'))['blocks']

filtered_reverse_indices = [block_a, block_b, block_c]
# filtered_reverse_indices[0]
data = []
for party in [0, 1, 2]:
    dfa = pd.read_csv('data/ncvr_numrec_5000_modrec_2_ocp_0_myp_{}_nump_10.csv'.format(party))
    recid = dfa['recid'].values

rr, reduced_num_comparison, naive_num_comparison = reduction_ratio(filtered_reverse_indices, data, K=2)
print('\nWith blocking, we reduced {:,} comparisons to {:,} comparisons i.e. the reduction ratio={}'
      .format(naive_num_comparison, reduced_num_comparison, rr))

With blocking, we reduced 125,000,000,000 comparisons to 3,548,164,581 comparisons i.e. the reduction ratio=0.971614683352
sc = set_completeness(filtered_reverse_indices, true_matches, K=2)
print('Set completeness = {}'.format(sc))
Set completeness = 0.9727107337780473